
Kafka's The Trial at the Edinburgh Festival

A re-imagining of Franz Kafka's novel for the stage
Franz Kafka
Lyn Gardner reviews a production of Franz Kafka's The Trial at this year's Edinburgh festival:
An apparently welcoming hand pulls me through the door. Before I can scream, I'm blindfolded and spun around. The darkness is complete. I can just make out pinpricks of light. Sinister whisperings echo in my ear; someone strokes my arm. I'm moved around, giddy and disorientated. This is the brilliant start to Belt Up Theatre's version of Kafka's novella about Josef K, a man whose world is turned upside-down when he is accused of a nameless crime and must prove his innocence. The audience's physical disorientation matches Josef K's rising panic as he finds himself in a world that is simultaneously familiar and entirely unrecognisable. [Read More]