
Mouth on Fire: Four Beckett Plays

University of Southampton · 8 September 2012
Samuel Beckett's A Piece of Monologue, performed by Mouth on Fire
The Dublin-based theatre company Mouth on Fire will be performing four plays by Samuel Beckett in Southampton this September. The programme includes Krapp’s Last Tape, A Piece of Monologue and Rockaby. The latter will be performed in English, followed by its World Premiere in Irish. This will be a very special, not-to-be-missed event for anyone who is interested in Beckett’s work and in avant-garde theatre. The performances will be followed by a Q+A session.

To book online, email Dr. Julie Campbell at J.Campbell@soton.ac.uk.

Location: Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

Time: 8pm

Tickets Booked: £8 (waged) £4 (unwaged)
Tickets at the Door: £10 (waged) £5 (unwaged)

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Also at A Piece of Monologue: