
Beckett on Film: Neil Jordan's Not I

National Concert Hall, Dublin, 8 August – 9 September
Julianne Moore as Mouth in Not I (dir. Neil Jordan, 2000)
From Totally Dublin: 'Though conceived for the stage, Neil Jordan presents a film of ‘Not I’ in IMMA’s National Concert Hall exhibition space throughout August. Leaving the text untouched, Jordan’s interpretation derives its interest from experimentation with the medium of film itself: the monologue is presented from six angles, screened simultaneously in a novel set up. Now, Beckett purists will insist that the stage is the only way to go for ‘Not I’. But when viewed as an artwork in its own right, and not as a point of comparison, Jordan’s cinematic exploration of Beckett’s text stands up – and IMMA’s dynamic presentation of it promises to lend a dramatic gravitas lacking on YouTube rehashings of the play’s theatrical runs, however potent the original renderings once were.' [Read More]

Also at A Piece of Monologue: