
Beckett Between: Call for Papers

An International Conference

The École Normale Supérieure in Paris has issued a call for papers for a conference on Samuel Beckett, to be held in February 2010. The university, which happens to be Beckett's alma mater, has named the conference Beckett Between, and welcomes papers relating to translation, bilingualism and travel-writing. Deadline for all submissions is 14 December 2009:
Beckett Between Conference February 20-21st 2010, Paris
Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris

Contact email: dunlaith.bird@ens.fr

Beckett Between

Call for Papers for École Normale Supérieure Paris International Conference, 2010

Conference Date: 20-21 February 2010
Locations: École Normale Supérieure and Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris

Beckett Between, the international bilingual conference to be held at the École Normale Supérieure Paris, from 20-21 February 2010, is now seeking abstracts for conference papers. This conference, supported by the Centre Culturel Irlandais and the Irish Embassy, will consider Samuel Beckett in motion, between two countries, two languages and two institutions, Trinity College Dublin and the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. It will explore how this trajectory impacts on his work, with themes ranging from Beckett’s self-translation to rhetoric and use of the non-lieu and the entre-deux. This fundamental question of the writer ‘between’ will bring together international perspectives on Beckett, offering both graduate researchers and Beckett specialists the opportunity to examine Beckett’s work in a different light.

The first day of the conference will finish with an exclusive performance from renowned international Beckett actor, Conor Lovett, offering an alternative vantage point on Beckett’s work. On the following day, 21st February, the inaugural ‘Beckett Brunch’ will take place at the Centre Culturel Irlandais. This round table discussion involving pre-eminent Beckett scholars and new researchers will expand on the themes raised during the conference, providing a dynamic forum in which to consider current developments in Beckett studies.

The organisers are particularly interested in papers with themes including, though by no means limited to

• Beckett and bilingualism
• Self-translation
• Beckett in motion, travel and travel writing
• Interdisciplinary aspects of Beckett’s work

Submission of Abstracts: Abstracts of 300 words, one copy in English and one in French, to be submitted by 9th December 2009. (Papers can be given in the speaker’s language of choice.)

Notification of acceptance of papers by 14th December 2009

Length of conference papers: 20-25 minutes
Submission of full paper: 27th January 2010

All abstracts, submissions and general enquiries should be sent direct to:

Dr. Dúnlaith Bird, Maître de Langue,
École Normale Supérieure
45, rue d’Ulm
75005 Paris

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