
Simon McBurney on performing Beckett's Endgame

Why Beckett's work holds a special significance
Simon McBurney and Mark Rylance in Endgame. Photograph: Tristram Kenton

Simon McBurney discusses the terror of playing Clov in Complicite's production of Samuel Beckett's Endgame:
[...] Beckett is special, Endgame particularly so. It is unlike anything else I have played: fastidiously specific, utterly elusive. At any one moment in the performance, you will be aware of someone laughing hysterically, another weeping, while others sit silent, astounded or baffled. Endgame resists narrative and even thematic explanation. How you play it has to reflect this. If you decide something too much in advance, you forget the element that gives the play life – the audience. [Read More]

The Complicite production of Endgame runs at the Duchess Theatre, London, until 5 December.

More on Complicite's Endgame: