
Disjecta: This week's links

An example of Austin Kleon's 'Newspaper Blackout' poetry


J. G. Ballard: Simon Reynolds speaks to Ballardian.com
J. G. Ballard: Issue four of new journal, Kill Author, focusses on Ballard and his work
J. G. Ballard: Jacob Silverman on J. G. Ballard and Vladimir Nabokov
William S. Burroughs: Franz Wright's poem, 'I Dreamed I Met William Burroughs'
William S. Burroughs: Podcast of Burroughs on Jack Kerouac
Franz Kafka: The Los Angeles Times on new Kafka translations
Paul Auster: Christopher Tayler: 'I was a Teenage Paul Auster Fanatic'
Patricia Highsmith: The New York Times on the author of the Ripley novels
Newspaper Blackout: Newspaper + Marker = Poetry
Top Fifty Literary Websites: Onlinecourses.org offer their guide to the best on the web

Philosophy & Critical Theory:

Simone de Beauvoir: Sarah Glazer on a new translation of The Second Sex
Slavoj Žižek: The Los Angeles Times reviews Žižek's new book
Existentialism: J. M. G. Le Clézio's reading list for his class, 'Existentialism for Beginners'


Bob Dylan: An unofficial archive of Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour
Miles Davis: Miles Davis in Paris
InBFlat: A wonderful collaborative musical experiment


Deaf Theatre: Beckett in British Sign Language? The Guardian on deaf theatre


Letters of Note: 'Correspondence deserving of a wider audience'