
Disjecta: This week's links

A Piece of Monologue wins 3:AM Magazine's Blog of the Year 2009.
(Image: New Vintage editions of Michel Foucault's work.)


Paul Auster: On Stealing Books
J. G. Ballard: Nic Clear's design tribute to Ballard
Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Uncovering Céline's 'tireless' antisemitism
Knut Hamsun: On 'the dark side of literary brilliance'
Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Diurnal versus nocturnal writers
Anaïs Nin: seduction in the diaries
George Orwell: Birthplace to be restored
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Short film of Fitzgerald writing
Haruki Murakami: Quotes the influence of jazz music on his work
E-Books/Kindle: Amazon electronic book sales outsell print for the first time
3:AM Magazine Awards 2009
The Existence Machine: Books Read in 2009
This Space: Books of the Year 2009

Philosophy & Critical Theory:

Michel Foucault: New Vintage editions of Michel Foucault's work
George Bataille: An interview on literature and evil
Roger Scruton: A review of a philosophy of wine, I Drink, Therefore I Am
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Why Wittgenstein rejected theories


Nat Hentoff: A provocative piece on the use of music as a torture method
Jazz: The Nation on a new Thelonious Monk biography
Jazz: Audio interviews with tenor saxophonist John Coltrane


Werner Herzog: An interview with Slate
Alfred Hitchcock: Hitchcock's influence on the aestheticization of violence
Robin Wood 1931-2009: Hitchcock film critic passes away
100 Best Films of the Decade: The Guardian's pick
10 Underrated Films of the Decade: The Guardian's pick


The South Bank ShowMelvyn Bragg bows out
David Lynch: Twin Peaks Season 2 to be released in the UK in March 2010


Samuel Beckett: The Whole Thing's Coming Out of the Dark


Mark Glazebrook 1936-2009


Critical Cookie: Now on Twitter
John F. Kennedy: Abraham Zapruder's camera