
Disjecta: This week's links

(Image: Woody Allen stands in front of the New Yorker building)

This week has seen a proliferation of William Burroughs on the web, including two wonderful documentaries. In other news, The Guardian reviews Joyce Carol Oates' latest novel, A Fair Maiden, and plans have been made to restore George Orwell's Indian birthplace. Woody Allen contributes a short, humorous piece to the New Yorker magazine, Radio On director Chris Petit announces his new road movie, Content, and Paul Morley interviews music producer Brian Eno.


William S. Burroughs: The BBC Arena documentary
William S. Burroughs: Documentary on Burroughs' life and work
William S. Burroughs: Polina Mackay on The Naked Lunch
William S. Burroughs: Sound recording, The Doctor is on the Market
Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man documentary
J. G. Ballard: Hitchens on Ballard
Martin Amis: The Guardian book club reviews Time's Arrow
Will Self: Sebald, the Nobel prize and pets
Mervyn Peake: Book cover designs
Joyce Carol Oates: A review her new novel, A Fair Maiden
George Orwell: Orwell's birthplace in India to be restored
Reading: Natasha Tripney on the unvanquishable book pile
Humanities: Increasingly 'commercialized' university culture

Philosophy & Critical Theory:

Slavoj Žižek: Žižek speaks at the London Society of the Arts
Harold Bloom: Hospitalized
Walter Benjamin: Radio broadcasts for children
Timothy Clark: Robert Eagleston on The Poetics of Singularity
Most Cited Authors, Critics and Philosophers in the Humanities
101 Great Philosophers: The Guardian reviews Madsen Pirie's new book


Brian Eno: Paul Morley interviews the unique producer


Woody Allen: A piece in the New Yorker's 'Shouts & Murmurs' column
Werner Herzog: Guernica on the reissued journal Walking on Ice
Werner Herzog: Mark Kermode's memoir recalls Herzog's gunshot wound
Eric Rohmer 1920-2010
Chris Petit: Petit presents his new documentary, Content


Treme: New Orleans drama from David Simon, creator of The Wire.


Damien Hirst: Art critic Jonathan Jones is 'finished' with Damien Hirst


Thomas Bernhard: Heldenplatz at London's Arcola Theatre this month


Elsie de Wolfe: Profile of the interior designer at Critical Cookie

Thank you to all link contributors, who can be found on the A Piece of Monologue Twitter page.